Flat River Electric

Flat River Electric LLC

218 S. Washington St Lowell, MI 49331

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How Many Smoke Detectors Do I Need?

Grand Rapids Electricians

How many smoke detectors you’ll need for your house will depend on the number of bedrooms and stories (including the basement) you have. If you don’t already have a fire alarm system in your home, you’ll want to contact a residential electrician as soon as possible.

Fire alarms save lives by giving you and your family enough time to escape your house in the event of a fire. Keep reading to learn how many smoke detectors you need to stay safe.

1. Smoke Detector Installation

According to the National Fire Protection Association, you should have a licensed electrician install smoke alarms on every level of your home. Make sure you don’t forget your basement during smoke detector installation.

Each bedroom should also have its own fire detector so you’ll wake up at the first sign of a fire and avoid smoke inhalation and other fire-related injuries. Likewise, there should be one fire detector installed outside every sleeping area in your home.

Smoke alarms should be installed:

  • Inside bedrooms
  • Outside sleeping areas
  • On every level (including the basement)

READ MORE: How Smoke Alarms Keep You Safe >>

2. Smoke Detector Replacement

Most people know that you have to replace the smoke alarm batteries once a year. However, few people know that you’ll eventually have to replace the detectors themselves.

According to the U.S. Fire Administration, most smoke alarms need to be replaced every 8 to 10 years. Fire alarm companies will be more than happy to help you install the best smoke alarms for your home.

Smoke detectors have delicate components that allow them to detect smoke. However, these internal components eventually wear out over time. If you have recently installed smoke detectors in your home, it helps to write the date of purchase inside the alarm with a permanent marker.

3. Wireless Smoke Detectors

Every second counts when escaping a burning house. According to the Department of Homeland Security, your home could be completely engulfed in flames within 5 minutes. In the past, more furniture was made with natural fibers that took longer to burn.

However, today’s furniture is mostly made with synthetic fibers that catch fire more quickly while giving you and your family less time to escape.

As a result, you’ll want to ask your local electrician about linked or wireless smoke detectors. Wireless smoke detectors communicate with each other so that if one unit detects smoke, they’ll all go off. For example, if there’s a fire in the basement, it’ll trigger all your fire alarms to go off at once.

While we always hope for the best, it’s also important to prepare for the worst. This means making sure your home is protected by a quality fire alarm system. An electrical contractor will be able to install and test smoke detectors so you’ll be prepared in the event of a fire.

You’ll feel more peace of mind knowing that your alarm system prevents significant fire damage and saves lives.

Call Today!

Our Lowell, MI electricians will be able to help you find the best smoke detectors for your home. We are also able to install carbon monoxide detectors. To schedule a service visit, or learn more about our electrical services, call Flat River Electric at (616) 987-0978.