Flat River Electric

Flat River Electric LLC

218 S. Washington St Lowell, MI 49331

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7 Reasons to Switch to LED Light Bulbs

Grand Rapids Electricians

Why waste time with incandescent light bulbs when you could be saving money with LED (light-emitting diode) lights? Our electrical contractors know how to install LED lights to lower your energy consumption and help you save money in the long run. While LED light bulbs were expensive when they first came out, prices have significantly dropped after several years in the market.

Continue reading to learn why you should switch to using LED light bulbs in your home. For more information, reach out to one of our local electricians today. We’d be more than happy to inspect your home’s electrical system and schedule LED light installation.

1. Save Money

How much do you pay on energy bills each month? Switching to LED lights can help you save money in the long run on energy bills so you can spend your hard-earned money on more important things. LED lights are designed to last more than 20 years. The average incandescent light bulb lasts approximately 11 months.

2. Change Light Bulbs Less Often

According to ENERGY STAR®, the average American household has more than 40 light bulb sockets. LED light bulbs are great for hard-to-reach places because they last for decades. If your home has high ceilings, you won’t have to worry about changing the bulbs for another 20 years. Talk about convenience!

3. Safe for All Light Fixtures

Whether you have light fixtures with fabric shades or delicate paper, you can count on LED light bulbs being a safe option. Our local electricians will be able to recommend trusted brands for your home. Unlike candescent light bulbs, LED lights don’t give off as much heat.

4. Bring Light to Your Kitchen

We’ve upgraded a lot of rooms with LED lights, especially bathrooms and kitchens. Our electricians are able to install LED strip lights under cabinets. It’s hard to cook when you don’t have enough light to chop vegetables or see if you added enough seasoning. 

Under cabinet lighting not only gets rid of shadows, but improves the value of your kitchen. A residential electrician will know how to install LED strip lights so they last for years to come.

5. Save the Environment

LED lights are energy efficient, which means you’ll have a lower impact on the environment in the long run. Environmental consciousness is a lasting trend. Over the years, we’ve noticed more and more homeowners being concerned with the environmental impact of their homes. 

LED lights help you lower your greenhouse gas emissions so you have a smaller carbon footprint. Our residential electrician will be able to help you find the right LED lighting for your home.

6. See Better

Colors look true to life under LED lighting due to their high color rendering index (CRI). Not only does this mean you’ll be able to see better due to their brightness and intensity, but you can also be sure that any paint colors or design choices you make will look just as good under LEDs as they would in natural light. 

7. Durability

LEDs are made with durable components, meaning they hold up to temperature changes, vibrations, and normal wear and tear better than traditional bulbs. You won’t have to worry as much about bulbs breaking when you use LEDs.

Call Today!

Our Lowell, MI electricians can inspect your current lighting system to determine final costs for switching to LED light bulbs. We understand that LED lights are an investment in your home, which is why we’re always more than happy to answer any questions you might have. To schedule your quote for electrical repair, call Flat River Electric at (616) 987-0978.