Flat River Electric

Flat River Electric LLC

218 S. Washington St Lowell, MI 49331

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5 Electrical Problems Most Common in Summer

5 Electrical Problems Most Common in Summer Lowell, MI

Whether the circuit breaker tripped (again) or you’re concerned about flickering lights, you’re not alone. We get plenty of calls from homeowners during the summer for various electrical problems. Here we have listed the top 5 electrical issues we see during the summer. If you suspect an issue with your home’s electrical system, call one of our electrical contractors in Lowell as soon as possible.

1.) Tripping the Circuit Breaker

Does the circuit breaker frequently trip? If so, your air conditioner may be to blame. While it may seem inconvenient to trip the circuit breaker, it serves the important function of preventing an electrical fire. When there is too much electricity for what the circuit can safely handle, it shuts off the power for your entire home.

It’s not uncommon for our electrical contractors to see more tripped circuit breakers in summer when air conditioners run the most. If your circuit breaker tripped, it’s time to call one of our residential electricians today. We can help you discover why the circuit breaker tripped so you can avoid the safety issues of another power outage.

2.) Overusing Ceiling Fans

Stand underneath your ceiling fan to make sure the blades rotate counter clockwise. Otherwise, the air will stay near the ceiling. While ceiling fans don’t reduce the temperature inside your home, they are great for creating wind chill. Wind chill helps your home feel cooler than it really is by moving air across your skin. If no one is in a room, turn off the ceiling fan to conserve energy.

3.) Using Too Many Extension Cords

If you live in an older home, you may not have enough electrical outlets for all your appliances. To compensate, you may be using extension cords to place fans throughout your home. Extension cords are meant to be used as a temporary solution. If you find yourself using extension cords every day, call our licensed electricians as soon as possible.

Our residential electricians can install more tamper resistant outlets so you have electricity where it’s convenient for you. Like the name suggests, a tamper resistant outlet stops children from sticking sharp objects into the outlet and getting shocked. To use a tamper resistant outlet, there must be equal pressure on all holes.

4.) Flickering Lights

Do your lights flicker when the air conditioner kicks on? If so, you’ll want to call one of our licensed electricians as soon as possible. We’ll be able to inspect your AC to see how it interacts with your home’s electrical system. If neglected, your AC could trip the circuit breaker and drive up energy costs.

5.) Brown Outs

The hotter the weather, the more demand is put on your power company to supply electricity. However, too much demand can cause a brown out. You may be experiencing a brown out if the power goes out during summer. Signs that you’re on the verge of a brown out include flickering lights or groaning appliances.

There’s nothing you can do during a brown out except wait for the temperature to cool outside so demand for electricity also decreases. Your power company may recommend you hold off on using electricity until late evening or night so there’s less demand.

Brown outs are not caused by a single customer, but rather from all customers clamoring for high levels of electricity at once. People tend to use more electricity during the summer for air conditioning, fans, and other ways to stay cool.

Our Lowell electricians can help you discover the cause of flickering lights and tripped circuit breakers that are so common during the summer months. To request your quote for electrical repair, call Flat River Electric at (616) 987-0978.

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This blog post has been updated.