Flat River Electric LLC

218 S. Washington St Lowell, MI 49331

Office Number




LED & Lighting Installation Services
5-star review

LED & Lighting Installation Services in Grand Rapids, MI

LED lighting is becoming more popular because of the longevity of the bulb and the reduced amount of energy that they use. LED light bulbs are the best way to reduce the amount of energy that you consume each month.

For ways to SAVE MONEY on your energy bill month after month fill out our LED Lighting Upgrade Request form and we will show you the best ways to upgrade existing lighting in your home to the new LED lighting options and start saving money TODAY!!!

If you feel like your home could benefit from our LED & lighting installation services, please contact our Lowell electricians at (616) 987-0596. At Flat River Electric, we strive to make your home safe for everyone.

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